Getting Started

Bench Rest Shooting

Bench Rest shooting is a National and International competition.

In this sport, the rifle is supported on a stand sitting on a bench. The shooter is responsible for aiming onto the target via a telescopic sight. This discipline requires shots to be perfectly precise as scores in Bench shooting are typically higher than any of the other disciplines. Bench is also more accessible to a wider range of shooters as the rifle is supported via the stand and bench so there is no stress on the shooter, this makes it a lot more enjoyable to a wider range of people.


Each competition shot fired can score a maximum of 10 points. Each target has a inner ten (or in old terminology a "Bulls Eye", to score a 10 the bullet has to touch or clip this inner ten. But if a shooter has a perfect shot and eliminates the inner ten then they score extra, the total number of points and inner tens will decide the final score for the shooter.

Bench Targets

In Bench the 20 metre card has 23 targets on it, the very left three been used for sighting in the rifle, then one competition shot is fired into each of the other 20 targets. The 50 metre card has 22 targets on it, again the very left two are used for sighting in the rifle, then 1 competition shot is fired into each of the 20 targets. The 90 metre card has 3 targets, usually the top target is used to sight in the rifle, then 10 competition shots are fired into each of the other 2 targets.

20 Metre Benchrest Card

50 Metre Benchrest Card

90 Metre Benchrest Card

Upcoming Events

27th to 28th of July - Portland Annual Prize Shoot and Merv Friend 600

10th to 11th of August - Shepparton 42nd Annual Prize Meeting

21st of September - Glenelg Region Prize Meeting (run by 4 clubs)

Pennant Series

2024 20m Prone (Pennant)

2024 20m Prone Electronic (Pennant)